I have different price reference bands for my unique hand made pieces which are intended to give everybody the opportunity to participate and own a piece of my stuff. While generally trying to work to £25 per hour, as you’ll see, there are some pieces that take far longer (the Bluetooth speakers especially so).
The basic price breaks are:
I am open to doing custom pieces and commissions. Every single penny goes toward me doing socially relevant stuff, meaningful stuff – stuff that may make a difference. It also pays for varnish, sandpaper and wire wool 🙂
I also offer ‘Merch’, (trendy name for merchandise), at two fixed prices of £5 and £10 – and yes, even the merch items are totally unique, either small virgin Lichtenberg pieces (untouched, still with ash!) that can be finished as you feel fit, door hangers or signs individually printed by my own fair(ish) hand, or something ‘almost’ mass produced, one at a time. They’re all different.
Yes I know some of my pieces have found their way into trendy ‘Design’ Boutiques and Emporiums (and I know how much they’re being sold for)… You know what? Fine, if it helps give someone else a living then what’s not to like? If you have such an outlet I’m open to talking about doing pieces that you think may be of interest to your customers.
I try to charge fairly, whoever I’m selling to.